27 Mayıs 2020 Çarşamba

Second Life Experince

Hello Everyone !!

Seeing the headline I bet you also sighed and said I wish .Yes none of us have chance to have second life oppurtinity but you can both have fun and give some education to learners with this platform that I will describe .

The name of the platform is Second Life

Getting into the platform wasnt easy at first as I was getting failure for the request all the time .
However after it , the platfor m was easy to use .

Though using it for a while I couldnt find enough possible ways to use it for language learners .
Maybe after some more researchements about it we can find some possible ways for it .

26 Mayıs 2020 Salı

TPACK and SAMR Models:

Hello there !

Until now I have described many platforms for you to teach languages to your students or for students to have more chance using them . Today however I will describe how to use those platforms
effectively . There are two models that we use while using those platforms .

First one is TPACK Model 

" TPACK stands for Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. It is a theory that was developed to explain the set of knowledge that teachers need to teach their students a subject, teach effectively, and use technology. We’ll get into more details in just a minute, but let’s look at where this started. " (Mcgraw 2020) . 

Framework of TPACK,  can integrate technology into the content and pedagogy to classrooms. The integration will help  students learn more effectively (Mcgraw 2020)

As can be seen Tpack model aims to integrate technology ,content knowledge and pedagogy togather to have more effective plan. We can therefore  structure our classrooms to provide the best educational experience for students while incorporating technology.

The second one is SAMR Model

SAMR Model consists of four level of integration . 

 As students are becoming more technology savvy, it is requiring educators to keep up with technological advancements and to have the skillset to integrate them into the classroom. According to Tapscott (2009) .
Through SAMR model educators to evaluate their level of integration into the classroom  
The SAMR model was created to help in planning and assessing the levels of technologies used in the classroom (Jacobs-Israel, & Moorefield-Lang, 2013) .The model is encouraging that curriculum be created in a way that allows students to also learn the technological skills needed in the 21st century (Hilton, 2016).

My Pixton.com Experience

Hello everyone !!

It seems like the situation of  Covid-19 here getting better and better day by day .I hope we will be
able to turn our normal and routine life .

We should still stay at home and help all the officers who are helping to solve this crisis .
Therefore I'm gonna show you guys another platform for you and your language learners.

The name of the platform is PIXTON .It is a platform that lets you to write comic books . As comic
books are quite popular among learners this would be great idea to give them motivation .

Once you sign in to Pixton it gives you a tutorial about how to make comics which was useful for
someone like me as I've never tried making comic book .

I tried to do a comic book in the platform too
 but it was annoying as the site lagging everytime I 
choose a section . However this might be a problem coused by my own pc .

Still it is great platform ,  for example if you want some drills and dialogues from your students .

24 Mayıs 2020 Pazar


Oi Oiiii !!

Welcome to anothher episode of me giving you examples of platforms for your future educational 
life . Names of today's starts are Voki and Flipgrid . 

These two platform are similar to eachother . 

Flipgrid is another platform that let you be creative in your lessons by making videos . 

Flipgrid is a great way to quickly assess how your students are connecting and applying new information. Flipgrid allows for an entire class (of any size) to present a 90 second video response to teacher or student generated questions. The learning community can then interact with various postings by sending short messages or 'hearts' to show support of an idea.(Victoria R. )

Here is an example of my own flipgrid . 


Heyyoooo !!!

Another day in Paradise lockdown isn't it ? Yes , as long as we find some hobbies and times to improve ourselves  we can make our little safe and sound paradise .

Today I'm gonna intruduce you another platform for teaching language or for students learning by themselves .

The name of the platform is THINGLINK

Thinglink is an interactive image tool that help users to turn any image into a multimedia luncher .ThingLink provides an easy-to-use platform for creating engaging, interactive images. It gives kids the potential to create meaningful content for any subject. ThingLink is an interactive image-creation tool designed to help kids present information in a different way (Educational App Store ) 

When you add your interactive image and add content you can also add descriptions  which are embedded in the image through "tags,"

 It is possible to add other users to your stream and to follow their work. 
There is also feature of sharing in thinglink so you can share what have been done via Facebook and many more . 

For example in picture above' idea is summarizing  a list of new words in a chapter or article you have read. Draw/doodle an illustration of each word. Use ThingLink to record the pronunciation for each word.There were voices next to each vocabulary . 

In this one aim is to  creating an all-about-me poster use  phone or tablet to take a photo of it and explain it using text, video, or voice notes.

23 Mayıs 2020 Cumartesi

Augmented Reality

Hi there !!

I'm so excited today .Reason is thanks to my lecturer as he invited someone who explained us about augmented reality . I didn't know until then that we could use such technology that easyly  in education . It was to me something that can be done in at least 10 years . However as the guest explained us it seemed so easy both for teachers and students . 

Then lets talk about this famous augmented reality . 

To be honestly first I heard from the guest about Augmented Reality POKEMON Go came to my mind 

Therefore I got prejudiced thinking how can we use this in education at all . 

However after the lesson it was obvious for me that I was gonna use this technology with 
my students eventually . We all know how abstract lessons for vocabulary teaching passing .Something attractive and different important to use it to draw attention of students and keep their motivation . It is true that language teachers bring some concrete objects while teaching 
vocabulary especially to young learners .However with this technology teaching and also learning can be more effective and easier . 

For a platform like Mondly for example has started to use this technology combining Virtual Reality and Augmented reality together . 

As the time passes students and their learning attention also changes therefore we should follow the trend as they do . 

Virtual Reality

Hello there !

We all at least I want to see many places and adventures
 in the world which is still not possible for a student like me :). 
Yet as we know there is technological advice that help us at
 least feel how it would be like if we were there .I think you can guess it 
.It is VR ,Virtual Reality . 

As the reason for me to open this blog to describe usages
 of  technological platform in education .I will talk about how 
to entegrate the virtual reality to education . 

Though it may looks like something that can be happen in 50 years ıt may be quite useful to use
virtual reality in especially language education from young learners to adult learners .

As for young learners early education is all about learning through experience .Using VR therefore
will let them to learn by seeing and living it .

For others it is important to keep students engaged and motivated and challenged throughout their
school career . It is ultimate aim of teachers . Therefore VR can unlock potential and give students
new ways to experience learning in different way compared to classic blackboard education .

Storybird Review /Experience

Hello there !

Today I will share another platform to teach 
especially young learners reading or writing 
stories . The name of the platform is STORYBIRD 

Stoybird can be used with all range of ages however it would be more fun for young learners .

I also wrote a story .While writing it was sad that I couldnt upload the photos of mine as this
feature wasn't free.

Here my story of popular City Mouse and Country taken from book.

For more you can create your own stories on storybird .

22 Mayıs 2020 Cuma

Edpuzzle/Nearpod/Mindmeister Reviews

Hello Eveyone !

Isn't so good that  now that we know many platforms we can feel like real teacher ? Teacher that can actually produce instead of making children buy expensive activity books .
Thanks to technology it is no more necessity  .

Today I would like to write about some other platforms that I think quite useful for the future teachers and the language learners .


Edpuzzle is a platform that let teachers and students select a 

video and if they want editing it .You can record an audio on it or add questions to make better lessons . 

It is quite ideal for educators who want to use technology in their classes . Teachers 
can monitor and watch the student' progress through their educational portal . 

Edpuzzle is useful for students who want self

 learning as it provides additional assistance with 
self paced learning tools . Students track their lessons  on missed days .


Nearpod is platform that engages teachers 
students and education institutions .It assess and engages 

them using virtual lessons and collaborative discussions . 

It can be conntected to other Google applications and several learning systems .Classroom,slides,drive,canvas can be given as example . 
Through those applications teachers can manage a live or self learning lessons .
Thus learning speed , participation rate of students can be faciliated . 
Neadpod does this using code verification,synchronize and control the content across devices 
and evaluate students' responses . 


Mindmeister is an online mind mapping tool or
 platform .Through it you can make or collaborate or give 
assignments to your students to make maps . Those maps can be
 turned into dynamic slideshows 

It is quite easy to use and create maps with Mindmeister . 



Such a good weather today we have in Istanbul and
 equally how unlucky we are that cant even go out thanks to lockdown . 

Therefore today I checked another platform
 for language learning  . 

                                                        This time its name is QUIZLET

Quizlet is a nice study  tool .Students can creat their own
 study materiels and reinforce what they have learnt . 

The photo above shows how Quizlet can help those language learners 

Once you sign in to Quizlet you can freely 
dowload or creat your own study materiels .As in language learning reinforcement very important 
quizlet can help solving this situation . 

There are can be writing exercises or tests like in the picture . 

You can  save the materiels other people have created . 

21 Mayıs 2020 Perşembe

Online Course Review

Using an online course and liking it a lot  I 
decided to introduce the platform that I applied on .
The name of the platform is UDEMY .

The courses uploaded there are at very cheap prices compared to the ones we get usually . They  keep on  from beginner to advanced usually  .

If you are also someone who likes to enjoy learning at home with a stress free environment I totally
recommend the UDEMY

Online Course Experience

Hello Everyone

In a lockdown coused by Covid-19 its possible for us to develop ourselves .
 Let's not just sleep in our safe and sound beds and try something new !! Be crazy maybe you can even learn Chinese in this lockdown NIHAOU
You can learn using adobe programmes or drawing and maybe playing an instrument who knows ?

Today I decided to buy a course on udemy for this reason  .I've always wanted to take a headphones and explore the views etc with my photograph machine .Unfortunately I've never had time to learn
about the machine so seeing the discount I've decided to learn it .

To be honest I didnt give much hope to this program as it was only  2.5 hours long  .However it was suprisingly changed the way I look at the photography .

20 Mayıs 2020 Çarşamba

Review For Seesaw

Hello  !!

  Here I am again with another fanstastic
 website for those new teachers or students to
 be teachers like me . It is great platform that you can 
create a teacher account and create your class. 

Stay at your positions because this platform lets you to everything you can ask for . You can give lessons , you can give assignments to your students either group or  individual . 

Here as you can see my class called Strawberries . I can assign my students assignments .Also can send announcments to them . 

You can also choose activities from activity library.

Here this a one of the classroom activity assignment that I gave to my students .

Second Life Experince

Hello Everyone !! Seeing the headline I bet you also sighed and said I wish .Yes none of us have chance to have second life oppurtinity bu...