26 Mayıs 2020 Salı

My Pixton.com Experience

Hello everyone !!

It seems like the situation of  Covid-19 here getting better and better day by day .I hope we will be
able to turn our normal and routine life .

We should still stay at home and help all the officers who are helping to solve this crisis .
Therefore I'm gonna show you guys another platform for you and your language learners.

The name of the platform is PIXTON .It is a platform that lets you to write comic books . As comic
books are quite popular among learners this would be great idea to give them motivation .

Once you sign in to Pixton it gives you a tutorial about how to make comics which was useful for
someone like me as I've never tried making comic book .

I tried to do a comic book in the platform too
 but it was annoying as the site lagging everytime I 
choose a section . However this might be a problem coused by my own pc .

Still it is great platform ,  for example if you want some drills and dialogues from your students .

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